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Saturday, September 3, 2011

It is, after all, human nature to seek the easy route, the short cut. When someone knows one person that lost weight quickly, he/she is likely to ignore the warnings in the quest for fast results. Fad diets are clearly extreme and often irrational plans that lack valid evidence and scientific research. Aside from being unhealthy, they are often ineffective as well. Approximately 97% of 'diets' fail. Even if its initially successful research has shown by the five year mark most people are back to their old weight or even higher. If this were not true why is diabetes and obesity at an all time high? Why is it an epidemic?
We are always looking for an easy way to have the perfect body. Most diabetics and obese  people are also in denial about their disease state.
 Colon cleansing,laxatives,diet,bars,shakes,  pills,shots,diuretics and very low calorie diets may promote short term weight-loss, but most of the loss is caused by water lose and or a speeding up of your metabolism. All these things can  throw your body way off causing dangerous side-effects especially if your a diabetic, on certain medications and or have other disease states.Most fad diets usually focus on a narrow field of nutritional resources,(their products). The body starts to starve itself. If fad diets work, in spite of being extremely unhealthy, it is because one's calorie intake decreases, (The Zone's recommended diet calls for less than 1,000 calories a day). If the body goes into starvation mode it will start to pull sugar from your muscles and break down fats stored in the body which can lead to Ketonacidosis, a very dangerous problem.
 If Americans are gaining weight, it is due to the type of carbohydrates and quantities of foods they consume, excessive calories and lack of exercise which encourages obesity.  There is nothing miraculous about the food’s which these diets prescribe. Furthermore, these diets are extremely difficult to maintain, since they often ban certain products and as mentioned previously, require the repeated consumption of others,making long-term weight loss impossible.After a few weeks of losing some weight your body comes to that Plato. Whatever diet  your on your body gets used to this. Why am I not losing weight? I am doing everything they said to do. You cant keep sustaining an unbalanced starvation diet.
Your body begins to rebel,trying to tell you that it needs something. An internal alarm system will start getting frustrated,cravings for many things you used to have and your body may need.
 Since diet companies do not have keep stats on their successes or harms they may have caused, its difficult for organizations like the CDC to get absolute stats. However if you saw the list of diet products that had recalls due to contamination and narcotics in them you would probably get pretty turned off.Who knows how many deaths are associated with these diets? The companies started to get a little bit more savvy and came up with the marketing term, 'glycemic index'.  I am sure you have heard that term on lots of commercials and advertisements. Companies figured that's safer. Cant get in trouble with that,right?If  they follow the ADA recommendations with a nice website to push their products they can fool everyone.Nice! Essentially your just throwing out money when the answer is in front of you.
failure-The word'diet' is something I do not like to use. That word alone is defeating from the get-go. Having unrealistic expectations is another cause for failure. Eating out too much is another.Try cooking some home -made meals.Exercise and if you do you must burn more calories than you take in to achieve weight lose.* Diabetics should always check their blood sugar level and ketones before and after exercise!
Empowerment-to truly lose weight and to maintain a healthy sugar level takes time, discipline,exercise and above all education. If you learn how to read food labels, plate your food correctly and know what foods are good for you and not good for you is the best way to keep a healthy weight and sugar level. You must be an advocate for yourself,read about diabetes and learn about the foods you eat,ask your physician questions. If you can get a nutritionist get one!.
In many cases diabetes could have been avoided if for not for poor diet and lack of knowing.
Extra Tip-If you are looking for a snack listen up-if it is over 300 calories consider it a meal! That's right. Furthermore if the snack has simple starches in the ingredients instead of complex starches it will increase your blood sugar level as well as actually increase your hunger.